Vin·tuhj - b·uu·tee
Oh, that’s how you pronounce your name, is what I usually hear when I explain how to say the name of my company. It almost always needs an explanation. I thought it was pretty straightforward, but changing how a common word is spelled throws the human brain for a loop.
I wasn’t trying to be creative with the spelling of beauty. The truth was was already taken. I’m sure I could have bought it for a price, but I wasn’t willing to do that.
I am always a little self-conscious when I have to explain the name, but I love the name. It embodies what my company/brand stands for, which is showcasing, highlighting, and celebrating the past’s beauty.

If someone asked you what google was in 1990, you would be dumbfounded and probably struggled to pronounce it. Look at it now. What is life without Google?
I love vintage/antiques, not because I think old things are better. Amazing things are being designed and made today. I am fully present, and I am grateful to be alive today. I love all of life’s modern conveniences.
What I don’t like is the throwaway culture of today—the dollar store mentality. Nothing brings warmth to a space like a beautiful vintage handmade rug; I appreciate the craftsmanship and the design, whether the item was created in 1875 or 2020. There is room for both.
Truth be told, true beauty stands the test of time.
You may need to frame it differently, but a beautiful piece of cut glass from the ’20s is just beautiful today.

If I do my job correctly, Vintage Bu-Te Antiques will one day not need an explanation.
So here’s to a future where the name Vintage Bu-Te no longer needs clarification.

I would love to invite you to visit my booth. I have one booth now located at the Cambridge Antique Market, located on the main level, booth #22. I hope you can find some time to come out and visit real soon. There are so many treasures to be found there. Not just in my booth but the entire building. It’s five floors of fantastic dealers and unique treasures!
See you soon!